At a glance…
Over the next three years, Full Fact will:
- Find, expose, and stop the spread of specific unsubstantiated claims.
- Find, expose, and counter specific causes of bad information.
- Make decision-makers who influence other people's exposure to bad information feel more scrutinised and more accountable for their choices.
- Get more members of the public to believe that taking action against bad information can be effective.
- Secure Full Fact’s lasting independence.
“[Full Fact has] made us all think a little bit harder.” Oliver Wright, The Times
All around us, people are exploiting information for political or financial gain, or hurting other people by being careless about the facts they spread. Bad information ruins lives. It promotes hate, damages people's health, and hurts democracy. Currently, people who choose to misuse information have an easy time of it.
Full Fact is a team of independent fact checkers and campaigners who are fighting back against bad information, by finding, exposing and countering the harm it does. It is not one insoluble problem. Fact checking specific claims every day shows it for what it really is: many different problems, many of which we can solve or improve. There are pinch points in the flow of information, moments when changing a few people's minds, an algorithm, or a system can help better information serve millions. Fact checking helps find them.
Above: Fact checkers in action
“Without the confidence provided by Full Fact's analysis ITV News would not have been able to broadcast our investigation.” Ed Campbell, Senior News Editor, ITV News
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